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Cricket Cracker
Shire Horse - 19.2hh - Died July 2007
Cracker as he was known to hundreds of friends, adopters and supporters, first came to Lincolnshire In 1992.
He was born at Cricket St Thomas in Somerset and came to replace Ebony the Centres original working horse.
Cracker was an immediate hit with everyone he met. On his very first public outing to the Burgh Railway
Museum, he staggered several important visitors with his panache and charisma to say nothing of his
outstanding obedience and driving performance. He received a letter of commendation on his very first day out!
Over the years it is fair to say the majority of visitors came to see Cracker.
He was big and impressive form the first. He had the largest number of adopters at the centre and regularly
received fan mail and Christmas cards.
Nothing could put Cracker off except getting into a horse box!
He attended a funeral in icy cold winds in December in Skegness and made two journeys to London,
Leicester Square in 2001 and Granada Television studios in 2007.
Always willing and eminently capable of coping with any situation he charmed visitors of all ages
with his patience and commanding presence.
Cracker has never been ill until July 2007 when he had a funny turn one afternoon and evening.
After treatment he recovered quickly but was noticeably affected by the loss of his two friends Samuel and Jacob in August.
It is fair to say he not been looking his very best for several months. A bit quiet and not always concentrating
on everything around him.
He was born in 1989 and was 18 on the 31st of May. This is a vulnerable age for any very large animal
and Cracker was the tallest Shire Horse in the World.
In 2005 you will remember him appearing in every national newspaper when he tried for the Guinness Tallest Horse Record. It turned out that America has the overall tallest horse just one finger taller than Cracker, but it is not a Shire.
We have some wonderful memories of all the varied things Cracker got up to and indeed enjoyed immensely.
We know he is now with his two big friends again and at peace.
Keith, Ruth, Terena and all the helpers here.
Cracker was 19.2 Hands-High
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